March 19, 2024

Gabrielle Gimler on Letting Go of Pressure to Manifest Your Success

On this episode of Tough Stuff Podcast, I'm joined by Gabrielle Gimler, an Intuitive Channeler and Manifestation Expert for entrepreneurs. Together we explore her journey from getting laid off to becoming an entrepreneur and the transformative power of embracing self-love and acceptance through spiritual growth. We delve into how Gabrielle helps her clients overcome money blockages and the profound concept of manifesting success by detaching oneself from pressure to reach personal and professional goals. If you’re looking to be inspired to start your spiritual journey and connect it to your business, don’t miss this episode!


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00:00 Realizing the power of intuition and channeling

05:16 Embracing self-love and manifesting gifts

06:37 Unhiding oneself to find genuine happiness

12:38 Getting humbled by money and the universe

14:31 Untying your identity from money for validation

17:54 Shifting focus to follow intuition 

20:43 Revealing her channeling abilities right before getting married


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Audrey Saccone: Gabrielle is an intuitive channeler and spiritual advisor who specializes in helping entrepreneurs manifest success. She's the founder of the Natural Manifesto Method and has helped hundreds of people manifest their dreams. Gabrielle, welcome to the show. 


Gabrielle Gimler: Hello. This is fun.


Audrey Saccone: Oh, I'm so glad to have you here. So, Gabrielle is a good friend of mine. We've actually been working together for almost, I was like, thinking as I was writing this, I was like, we've been working together for almost a year, and it's been a really fun journey working with you and really learning to embrace my intuitive side.


Gabrielle Gimler: Absolutely. I've so loved working with you, and I'm excited to just talk about all of that fun stuff of like, intuition and journeys and blah, blah in today's episode. 


Audrey Saccone: Absolutely. Well, here on Tough Stuff, we talk about all the things we don't hear about on a lot of regular podcasts. So, Gabrielle, can you share with us the moment you realized you had the gift of channeling?


Gabrielle Gimler: Ooh. So it was in September or August of 2022, because I was just about to get married to somebody who's not spiritual. So that was fun. And it was at the tail end of almost a three-year journey of just my life flipping upside down, just everything I was attached to just being stripped from me. And through that journey, there was just like half a percentage of me, most of the time, that's the only amount I could muster up, that was like, something's going to be on the other end of this. And it was the only way I got through. I was like, something's on the other end of this.


And I'm was actually interviewing a friend of mine who is a channeler just out of the Blue on my podcast, and I was going through this thing at the time where I'd be talking to someone and I would just have such downloads in my mind that were so distracting. And I said something to her when we stopped recording, I was like, I just had these three things I had to write down. Do you mind if I share them? She's like, go ahead. Shared them. They resonated with her. And she was like, all right, my turn. Do you want my gift? And I was like, sure. And she's like, you know you're a channeler, right? Like, you're channeling right now. And I was like, is that what this is? And I was somebody who. I'm not spiritual. I was none of that. And then all of a sudden, I cannonball into the spiritual pool, and I was like, all right, well, here we go.


Audrey Saccone: Where were you before, and where were you trying to get to?


Gabrielle Gimler: In la la land, honestly. I was in outer space, I think. So to rewind there, I kind of sang the end of, like, a three-year journey in April 2020, I was laid off from my job like basically everyone else in the world was. And I always had this dream of owning my own business. Ever since I was a little girl, I was like, I will be an entrepreneur. That's it. I just knew it was going to happen. But as I graduated college, I had no idea what I was going to do. I just wasn't ready.


So I started working in a magazine. I was a receptionist, segued to sales. Then I started working in Manhattan doing tech sales, and I was able to work remotely. So we moved from Boston to New Mexico, and I wanted to leave the company so badly. And I remember in January of 2020, again, not a spiritual person. I just whipped this out. I was like, universe. I'm ready to be done.


Lo and behold. I was like, June time, I'll be done. Like, I'll quit in June. False. Got laid off in April. And then my husband was, or boyfriend at the time was laid off two days later. And I remember looking at him and saying, and I was like, you'll never have to go back to work.


I'm starting a business, and we'll be good. Egg in my face. Egg in my face. So during that, I guess a little less than three years, but two and a half-year journey, I just started coaching. At first, I just wanted to help people, and then I segued into being a niche expert, which there was a big need for that in the space. So many people were starting businesses, they had no clue what to do. And I could just sit with somebody and hear their story and be like, that's your strong suit. Here's how you do it as a business.


And I was doing okay with that. I was doing okay but it was very inconsistent. It would be like $2,000 a month. You're just like, barely scraping by. And then there was just a period there where just, like, everything just kind of fell apart. And so I'm navigating. It was like every single insecurity I've ever faced in my lifetime made itself known during that period. Like, my two dogs, who are best friends, started hating each other.


It felt like my family was falling apart. We had to move back. I lost the privacy of having a home because we moved back home. We moved in with my mother-in-law, who's such a gem. She's such a wonderful person. And I was like, I really value having my own kitchen and my own privacy. And so that's really where I was before that, navigating this whole journey. And I'm happy to dive into that in a lot more depth, but it was pretty bonkers. And then the channeling came about. I shifted my whole business about three weeks before I got married. Here we are. Been doing ever since.


Audrey Saccone: I forgot that you were a niche expert, and that was what we were doing when we met. And it's really funny hearing you speak about it now because it's really, very connected to what you do today, but in a way where you didn't recognize what you were doing then.


Gabrielle Gimler: 100%. And I mean, not to spoil it, but I am going to be bringing some of that back into the business, which I'm really excited about because there is such a need for it. There's such a need for people, for somebody to highlight someone else's gift and just help them structure that, because that's what this is all about. So obviously, I'm very into manifestation now that I'm kind of on the other side of things and I can see how important, just like being in alignment and owning who you are as a person. And I know something we've talked about is just like being forward facing and putting yourself out there. And so much of that comes down to you accepting just everyone, anyone listening, like you accepting who you are, because that's a form of self love, of being like, I am worthy, this is my skill and I can help people versus I should just be a graphic designer because this person just made $100,000 and that's what I want to do. So I'm just going to do that… and totally ignoring your gifts.


Audrey Saccone: What parts of yourself did you have to learn to accept as part of that process?


Gabrielle Gimler: I hated myself, every single part of it. I had no idea how much I did not like myself until I went on this journey, I shied away from every ounce of myself. As a kid I was a very happy-go-lucky person. And I think, like, in my 20s, if you were to look at me on the surface, I was. Deep down, I wasn't. I shied away from my intuition. I've always just been a very intuitive person, and I did what other people said because what I didn't realize is I felt a responsibility for everyone else's emotions around me.


And there's a lot from childhood that kind of comes into that, but I hid pieces of myself to be able to accommodate everyone else around me because I thought that that was my responsibility, and I had to shed that and put boundaries in place and do things like that. And that was really hard for me because I felt like I was doing something wrong, but as I was doing it, I was like, this is peace. This feeling that I'm feeling is peace. I don't know if I've ever felt this in my life. So I really had to revisit all these parts of myself and help myself feel safe being happy. I didn't realize someone during that time asked me, what makes you happy? And I had to sit with that. And I was like, I couldn't tell you, I don't know, until I just went on this journey of, like, I'm finding what makes me happy. Of course, my dogs, like mysband, all of that, but, like, true, genuine happiness with myself, I couldn't complain. There's a lot. Yeah.


Audrey Saccone: And I think that's something a lot of people will relate to, especially high achievers, especially people who are naturally charismatic or outgoing… is appearing happy and being happy are not the same thing.


Gabrielle Gimler: Not at all. Oh, my God. And I didn't realize how much. I just didn't feel safe being happy. And it's almost, like, hard to describe. It almost felt, like, wrong to be happy because I felt like so many people around me weren't; that if I was, it would make them feel uncomfortable. And my belief, which was very subconscious that I had to bring up, was I'm responsible for all their happiness. So I have to keep myself here versus, like, up here where I really want to be. And it involved a lot of shedding people in my life. There's a whole other thing that we could definitely get into, but it was intense.


Audrey Saccone: I think there's an interesting piece about you being so intuitive, as part of that as well is like, you have such a heightened sense of awareness of those around you and such a sign of high intelligence. As well, that you can't just be, because you're just so conscious and thoughtful and mindful of all these other people and feelings around you and how your feelings affect them. But it's the opposite of the putting your own oxygen mask on first mentality.


Gabrielle Gimler: Yeah. Oh, 100%. And I also had this mentality of I have to fix everyone. So that's been something, actually, in the past year in business, because a lot of my job is, I'm helping people navigate through blockages, whatever it is, and for a while, subconsciously, I put it on me to fix their problem. And so I had to really process that. And I did a lot of that. October to the beginning of January that just happened. It's now January 31st as we record this.


So many of these came up again that I had to work through. And that was something that came up where I was like, I'm feeling a lot of pressure because I'm putting it on myself to fix everyone's problem. And so I had to rewire that to, I'm here to hold space for that person and guide them, but their outcome is not my responsibility. However they choose to do this, I'm here to guide them in pour love and hold their hand, but I can't be the one to fix it. It's a very interesting realization for me.


Audrey Saccone: I think that's something that probably every consultant or service provider or coach goes through at some point, is the, not to give us another analogy, but you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. We're here to be guides and supporters, and we provide a service, but we can't fix every single band-aid. And if you try to, it's really heavy. I mean, that's part of why I made the changes I made in my business a year ago is like, I feel so responsible, and I'm getting a lot of pressure to fix all of these problems that aren't my responsibility. And so I just had to remove those services altogether. So it's like, I'm not doing this anymore.


Gabrielle Gimler: Oh, absolutely. And so much of money ties into that, too, where it's like, oh, if I'm receiving this, I need to make sure that this is spick and span and 500%. But there's just so much pressure we put on all of that. And I hope people listening feel seen and heard just through hearing that, because I really had to restructure it. But once you do, doesn't it just feel like such a weight lifted off of you?


Audrey Saccone: Oh, my gosh, 1000%. It's so much, so much better. So let's shift gears a little bit and talk about money. So you had to really re-accept a lot of parts of you and relearn a lot of things. And I know a big theme around that was money. And I know that that's also something you work with a lot of your clients on. So I'd love to hear, first about your story, but also the different blockages that you work through with your clients on that.


Gabrielle Gimler: Oh, 100%. Okay. So back to April 2020. I'm laid off from my job. I had such, like, an unwavering confidence that I would just make a ton of money. I was like, I'll put something out there. I'm going to make a ton of money. And quite literally could not have been more humbled by that thought. And so to the point where I had to learn the lesson of my blockages with money, my relationship with money. I had to rebuild my relationship with it. And the only way I could do that was through the universe literally stripping me of it, completely stripping me of it. I was working in Manhattan. I was doing tech sales. I was making great money. And then I found myself in credit card debt and in the red constantly. Constantly, for such a long period of time and going from just being able to pay my student loans and this and that, just like, no sweat off your back to being like, I have $4 in my bank account, and I have a student loan payment of $500 in two days. What am I going to do?


Now, I have been with my now husband for nine years, since I was 21. I'm 30, and we weren't married at the time. And before we were married, we kept everything separate because that's what made sense. We felt like, until we were married and all is well and good, I had such a block of asking anybody for financial help. I would have rather run up my credit cards than I asked him for help. And he would have gladly helped me. I had way too much pride. I had too much pride. My ego was too proud. It was like, I refuse.


I refuse to ask him for help. I refuse to ask my parents for help. Anyone. I'm going to figure this out. I was so headstrong about figuring it out, but little did I know that so much of receiving money is receiving it and being okay. Receiving it 


Audrey Saccone: And asking for it. 


Gabrielle Gimler: That's it. And sometimes to receive it, you have to ask for it. Think about when you go to get a loan. Like, you go buy a car and you get a loan, you're asking for money from the bank. And, yes, you'll pay them back, of course. You're asking for that. For me, when it came to the people in my life, I was like, oh, I can't let them know that I'm struggling. Oh, please. No way. And I put such pressure on myself to make it look like I was successful when I certainly was not.


And I swear that's why I just kept getting humbled and humbled and humbled until finally, and I'll never forget this, I had a credit card payment that was due, and it was the night before it was due. It was like $250, something like that. And I don't even think I had a dollar in my bank account. I think my bank account was literally withdrawn. And I remember I was sitting at my desk, and I was like, I know right now I'm being called to ask Eric, I would rather bash my head through the wall than do that. I would rather do anything than do this. And I walked downstairs and I sat with him, and I looked at him, and I said, I need you to please Venmo me $250. And he was just like, okay, that's fine.


And what's going on? Like, fair question. And I just sobbed. And once I came upstairs, I opened up my computer, and I had somebody inquire with me, and that same day, they paid me $4,500. And I was like, you bastards, wih the universe. I was like, seriously? And that's just how it worked for me. It was like a chess game with, for me, it's the universe, whomever you believe in. But it's like I would just kept being put in opportunities and situations to do the last thing I wanted to do.


And the second I would do that, boom, it would come in. It was the oddest thing. And so through those experiences, I was like, wow, there's really something bigger here. That's no coincidence. And for a while, I believed in coincidences. And then I was just like, there's no way. And I had to detach my self-worth from money. I had to detach what success meant to me, all of the things.


And that was just done over a long period of time of being so strapped that I had no choice because I refused to do it. Either way, I was just very stubborn. And I didn't even realize I was being so stubborn. But I was just like, I'll figure this out. Because I put it all on me to be the hero. None of us are meant to be the hero. So that's really how I went about it. But to answer the second half of that, of how the blockages I help my clients through, so much of it, so much of it comes down to self-worth and their identity.


99% of this world, at least, that I've worked with, attach their identity to how much money they make because it makes them feel validated. So they put this pressure on money to validate them. And we see all of this in the manifestation space. So, so much of this is in the manifestation space of I'm a millionaire, I am this, I am that. But as a channeler, what was so interesting to me is when I would tap into somebody who was trying to manifest money, their soul was like, money is the no brainer of the thing that we actually want. And I'm thinking of one person in particular. But what they actually wanted was to just help people. But here they are in their business, putting all this pressure on one product to make all this money so that they could just tell people that's how much money they make.


And I was like, do you see the disconnect here? That's not truly who you are. That is your ego. And so the biggest block that we help people through is that identity and that worthiness, because people think like, well, if I can retire my husband, which that's something I said for so long, because I've wanted to be the hero. Deep down, they're trying to be the hero, but they're doing that out of validation. So rebuilding your relationship with money, it is such a journey just because money has such a chokehold on us as humans. And look, money is a real thing. It is a finite thing. It is real. It's very important. Like, you are so much more than that of how much money you make. And the more you detach from that, the easier it is. So one of the things that I do, because I just feel like in the information out there, either you're so obsessed with money, or you just act like money doesn't matter. Neither of those is healthy. Money's finite. It's a real thing. We're human.


So what I suggest anybody to do who's navigating through this view money as a puzzle, say, for example, you have $25,000 of credit card debt, and you are going nuts trying to pay it off. So you're launching new products, new programs, with the sole purpose of paying that off. And it's flopping. One, it's because of the pressure you're putting on it. So what I want you to do is just take a step back. Look at it as a puzzle. So when you open up the box of the puzzle on the COVID you see the end goal. That end goal is you, debt-free. But I don't even want to focus on you being debt-free. I just want you to focus on what that version of you looks like. Just, like, look at it as a picture. You open the box and there's ten puzzle pieces. And there's so many ways you can start. You can start with the perimeter, or you can start right in the middle, take one puzzle piece at a time until that whole puzzle is complete. And when that puzzle is complete, that's the $25,000 there. So by doing it and looking at it as a puzzle, you're removing your identity from it. You're removing your self-worth, and you're taking pressure off, and you're looking at it like a game, because that's all it is. So I hope that's helpful. I just felt really called to include that in there because… it's one thing to tell you guys about this journey, but it's next to just give you something tangible to be able to start implementing immediately.


Audrey Saccone: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we've talked about the relieving pressure piece a lot, because that's something I've noticed for myself as well, is when I'm putting pressure on the business to make a certain amount of money, bring in a certain amount of clients, when I'm just like, pressure, pressure, pressure…. everything is so much harder. But if I don't have to do that, everything just gets easier. And I think part of it's mental, I think part of it just different things coming into alignment or not, but it's really when you can release that pressure, everything is better.


Gabrielle Gimler: Yes. And I just got off of a call. I was speaking in a mastermind, and that's exactly what we talked about. Like, we were doing hot seat coaching. So she was asking for some help, and I asked to tap in. I always ask before I channel anyone. And all I heard was just PRESSURE in capital letters. And so if this is resonating with any of you, diversify the pressure.


And here's an example. She has a membership, and she shifted out of group programs, and that's her one product now is the membership, and she's saying everything, all the revenue is going to come through this. Her husband got laid off, got a new job, took a pay cut. So there's more pressure financially, personally, like all these things, and it's fine, but it's not where she wants it to be. And she's hit a plateau with it. So the guidance there was for her to diversify the pressure. And the way that I always see this is imagine the end goal, manifestation, desire, whatever you want to call it, as a feather, just like a white light feather. And now imagine 100 cinder blocks on it.


And then imagining that feather fly. It's impossible. That's the weight of the pressure. So take those cinder blocks and put them somewhere else. So for her, it was, let's open up your calendar and do 1 hour sessions or something like that, just for a little bit, and your ego is going to tell you that you failed by doing that. So just be mindful of that. But let's take the pressure off. Maybe you start a new venture, maybe you do this or that, and as you take that pressure off, people are going to be flying into that membership. Once you experience it, you're like, oh, damn.


Audrey Saccone: Well, people can sense that stress and anxiety, and they don't want to work with somebody who is so wound up because they're so stressed that when you can also, just from an energetic perspective, when you can release that pressure, you just become a more appealing person to work with.


Gabrielle Gimler: Yes, your attraction point is higher, and what you want and success in business and all the things is a lighter vibration. And when your vibration is so bogged down with these cinder blocks, it's just not in alignment. So we just got to get some of that pressure off. It looks different for everyone, but then, boom, you're in alignment with what you want. And don't even bother figuring out the how, because it just comes in the most beautiful surprises. I know that you've experienced that, Audrey. I have, too. It's just the most beautiful thing ever. But really, really focus on taking the pressure off. That's really so much of what all this comes down to.


Audrey Saccone: I want to go back to something you said much earlier, like way at the beginning, which was know as you were beginning this journey, that you weren't very spiritual and that your husband isn't very. I kind of wanted to get to that just a little bit because that's something I think about a lot, because a lot of the men in my life who I've talked to about the work we do together are really skeptical and think it's kind of weird. So I'm curious as much as you're willing to share, but, like, your conversations with Eric and how you've gotten him to open up to what you do.


Gabrielle Gimler: Oh, my gosh. So the beautiful thing about my husband Eric is he has always been wildly supportive of me. And this is for any human. Like, his philosophy is like, I just want everyone to do what they want to do, and as a result, don't tell the man what to do because that doesn't work. He's always had that. And again, I found out I was a channeler three weeks before we were going to get married. Three friggin weeks. And so once I ground in that information from that woman, and I was like, that's definitely what's happening. I had to sit him down and I was like, look, I know this sounds bonkers. I can channel people, and I'm going to shift my business into this. And I know that this is weird, and I know that I've never been this person before, and I know we're about to get married, so I owe it to you to tell you this in case you don't want to get married, and that's totally fine.


And he's not like an atheist or anything like that. He's not like, again. But it's just not his thing. He was just like, if you ever asked me to sit down with a psychic, he would be like, literally never in my life. And that's his own thing. I mean, he's navigated a lot of hardship in his life and had a parent pass away and things like that. And so I'm very respectful of the fact that it's not for everyone. But it took him a second, and he was never, like, mad or anything like that. He was just confused. He was like, what? He's like, are you okay? Is everything okay? What's happening? He was just confused. But just like, that same day, he's like, I always just want you to do whatever you want. He's like, if that's it, he's like, I don't freaking get it, but he's like, knock your socks off. I will support you.


He's like, I don't really know what I'm supporting, but you happy is just all I care about. And then I was just like, you're a gem. I love you so much. But as our conversations have progressed and stuff, I mean, he even said to me the other day… so I'm 34 weeks pregnant… I'm going to have a baby soon. And I was saying, I'm nervous of the postpartum. Lie, what if I get really bad postpartum depression, blah, blah. And he looked at me, he's like, why even put that out there? We're just going to be manifesting that. And I was like, yeah. He's like, believe in yourself. I'm like, oh, jeez, I'm bringing you into the business. You're so good at this. And I think, too, a big piece of that is I've told him I will never, ever channel him, ever. And that goes for anyone, anyone who's not comfortable with that. I always ask beforehand, like, I will never tap into that side of you because it can be very invasive and I will always respect your privacy with that. And he's been very receptive.


Audrey Saccone: Before we sign off, where can people find you?


Gabrielle Gimler: On Instagram is probably the best. It's @gabrielleelaura, I have two e's in Gabrielle on there. I hang out there all the time. Come join me on stories and my DMs, all the things.


Audrey Saccone: And you have your membership?


Gabrielle Gimler: I do. I have a membership. And so that's for people who are into manifestation and want to manifest. I have a great challenge in there, a 30 day challenge, a community access to me. It's my favorite thing ever. So I'd love to see anyone in there who feels cold.


Audrey Saccone: All right, well, thank you so much for your time and for sharing your invaluable insights here on Tough Stuff. Listeners, don't forget to share your thoughts on this episode on our latest posts @toughstuffpod and hit that subscribe button to always get the latest episodes in your favorite podcast app. I'll see you next time. Tough Stuff is powered by iced vanilla lattes and the team at Fast Forward Productions Thank you to our guests for joining us for today's episode. Everything we talked about today can be found in our show notes and on And a very special thanks to you for tuning in. See you next time.

Gabrielle GimlerProfile Photo

Gabrielle Gimler

Intuitive Channeler & Manifestation Expert for Entrepreneurs

Gabrielle is an intuitive channeler and spiritual advisor who specializes in helping entrepreneurs manifest success. She the founder of The Natural Manifester Method and has helps hundreds of people manifest their dreams.